

This is an introduction to this subject of value and how it affects your ability to retain every customer you serve amidst the numerous businesses selling same product as you are. 
 Enjoy your read.  

The dictionary defines value as Quality (Positive or Negative) that renders something desirable. 
Organizations and individuals in business or building one forgets this vital material, an active catalyst that speeds up business and brand growth in the process of building a business or a name.  This context is of importance to any and every individual or business that want to have their name in the chronicles of The Successful.
Building a brand may not require much appearance in public or selling quantity to gain popularity in the name of Quality. What everyone looks out for is Quality (Value). 
A Customer’s decision can be influenced by you. Watch this.. 
So many people feel “Peer Pressure” is evil. Yes its evil if channeled and used for non profiting and valueless  purposes. But do you know you could bring peer pressure into the context of your business?  But this time, you call it the VALUE PRESSURE!
What is Value Pressure?
As Peer Pressure is defined as an influence by one’s peers especially to conform, Value Pressure is defined as an influence by a business or an individual or a brand upon a customer to make them conform or become potential Customers. 

More Coming.. Keep your thirst for growth intact, we have your kind of water to quench your thirst.

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